Thursday, June 25, 2009

That's What I Think

I love the way You remember me-
You never forget my work,
You always know my name.
You are never condescending.
I don’t need a fax or an employment verification form.
I am always somebody special to You.
I always have been and I always will.
You made me this way.
You call me friend and I never annoy You!
You are patient and loving with me.
You never call me from an “unavailable” number.
You never say to me,
“I’m on vacation. I won’t be back until Monday. I can’t find your records. I must hire you under the name that appears on your social security card. You don’t have the proper documentation.”
You aren’t sitting at the bar sipping on a drink scrolling through numbers, text messages or e-mails on you blackberry.
The temperature is always right and the company always pleasing.
I can always trust You.
You are never trying to scam me
wine and dine me to trick me into bed.
You will never break my heart
tug on my emotions to manipulate me.
I never have to rush You or wait for You to show.
You satisfy me without making me feel too full.
You are a cold drink and a hot cup of tea.
Your motives are pure
Your thoughts are always for me, not against me.
You take me to the finest places
always pick up the tab.
I feel safe in Your arms without any pressure to perform.
You hold me perfectly-
never too tight
never too lose.
Just being in Your presence makes me feel loved.
I can trust Your heart even when things are spinning so fast
I can’t see or stand straight.
You know my nicknames, my passions, my failures,
what makes me happy or sad, mad or outraged.
You know the real me and still make a choice to stay
without being forced or rewarded.
You see through my heart.
You don’t care what color my hair, skin or roots are,
if my breath stinks, have wrinkles or am flawed.
Make up is really optional, along
with designer tags and that “put together” look.
I never have to doubt Your eyes,
wonder what You are doing with Your time,
or who You might be looking at.
I’m always Your favorite and the apple of Your eye.
I make mistakes everyday
You are always there to love me through them.
You made the sand on the beach for me.
You made the palm trees, warm ocean breeze
and the shooting stars
just to wow me and give me pleasure.
Your heart hurts when
kids cry,
marriages end,
lovers cheat,
babies die,
grandparents forget,
teenagers hurt themselves and others,
mommy’s go away,
daddy’s never show up.
You sit in every court room, waiting room and delivery room on the planet.
You witness life and death
all the pain and sorrow in between.
Yet You never walk away
You never quit or say enough!
You stand beside us.
You never leave us.
You don’t go away.
You hold our hand,
wipe our tears,
and offer up a shoulder.
You light up our path with sunshine and moonbeams.
You sprinkle the way with daisies and tulips,
roses and lilies.
You decorate the backdrop with sunsets and mountaintops,
a babbling brook,
a meadow with tall grass swaying to nature’s band,
sandy shores that border oceans of blue, emerald green, turquoise and teal.
A barren desert with prickly plants that reveal their colorful blooms only for a lucky few
when the stars dot the clear black night.
All a slide show of shock and awe,
as we follow Your version of the yellow brick road.
Dorothy needed ruby red slippers, 3 heel clicks and a simple,
“I want to go home.”
Cinderella needed glass slippers, a fairy god mother,
and a pumpkin with a curfew.
I love that You don’t make me
jump through hoops, pass a test or wear special shoes.
I love the way You love me.
I don’t always understand Your ways.
Suffering children is a hard one for me.
Rain falls where it’s needed and where it’s not.
Angels get delayed
and planes crash.
There are mansions in heaven
bowls filled with our prayers.
You refer to a harlot as a hero in the faith
and a rebellious punk worthy of a feast.
The religious despised You
You hung out with outcasts.
I love that about You.
I love the way You love me.
When I feel the warm wind in my hair
and the hot sun on my face,
I know You have written a song,
a number 1 hit to be sung.
Your music serenades my soul and rescues my mood.
I see You with long hair, carrying a guitar, wearing flip flops and
maybe a tattoo or piercing.
That image is not what some may envision.
Your vision is grand,
way beyond my dreams.
I dream of You
how You love me.
It takes my breath away
at the same time gives me breath.
Today You probably would live in a trailer close to the ocean,
that’s what I think.

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