I will try to make this more of a "short" story, but it's going to be hard. Lot's to say today!
Last week going back to work was not quite so harsh with a "Teacher Work Day." Getting back in the routine slowly; having time to catch up on all the paperwork that was neglected for candy cane kisses and gingerbread hugs; and sharing holiday happenings with co-workers made it a tad bit easier.
In my conversations with my boss I kidded her that I deserved a "finder's fee" for wooing my college friend to work with us. Who is an awesome find! I encouraged my employer for the terrific boss that she is and just wanted her to know how great it is to work for someone so pleasant and ethical.
The week got back into the swing of things by Tuesday and it was wonderful to see all the kiddo's. It was also wonderful to have a paycheck. Tuesday was payday, and although the check was to be a lot less because of all my days off, every little bit helps!
You can imagine my surprise as I opened the envelope and noticed a typo. Too much money here! I scanned the check stub... in black and white it read: Finder's Fee 100.00
Unbelievable! I was absolutely amazed! A finder's fee, are you kidding me? I am amazed at my God! He just NEVER ceases to amaze me.
I called and thanked my incredible boss and the next day, left a cute pink and brown polka dot pen holder on her desk. What a sweetie! See what I mean? Who has a boss like this? I am so blessed!
Push ahead to this past week, in fact, just yesterday. The start of the day, not so great. I wanted to put my car in reverse, back out of the parking lot and just go home! I did not have the energy to treat students. I had to, though. Prayer. Conversation. Prayer. Phone died. I'm going in!
I got out of my car and went into the school. It would be fine. I said my "good mornings," gave away some smiles, treated my first student. This would be fine. The day is going to be okay. Oops! It is 11:02, I better go get *Sammy. Off I go. He is such a sweet kid. He loves to do bubbles and always wants a sticker.
We made it back to my room. We usually work outside in the courtyard, but it was cold today. I even closed my door. I almost always leave the door open. Pretty cold today. Oops again. I was supposed to go get *George. It's too cold. I will see him tomorrow. We are here and settled. Me and *Sammy will just make a day of it.
I pulled *Sammy's wheelchair over to the table. I wanted him to do an activity that required cutting, coloring, gluing and utilizing his visual perceptual skills. While we were setting up shop *Sammy said, "I love you Ms. Bev. You are my best friend."
It was then I noted 2 things in my spirit. Number one, I am glad I didn't drive away this morning and number 2, I knew what the Lord wanted me to say next.
"I love you, too, sweetie, but you know who wants to be your best friend?"
"Who?" *Sammy inquired.
And with that one awesome word... a new name was written down in the Lamb's Book of Life.
I can't even tell you what an incredible experience it was and how the posture and timing was perfectly divine. That will have to be a whole other post. I can tell you, though, when we are faithful in the little, He is faithful in the big! If I could have had a video camera to catch that moment! In my family I am famous for saying, "That's a Kodak moment." Well, friends, that was a Kodak moment if I ever saw one!
As I bounced home, well, it sure felt like bouncing or flying, one... I called a few friends to tell God's glory story. I told the girls as soon as I picked them up and we were all celebrating with the angels.
Now every good celebration deserves a treat. Our treat was going to the local thrift store. My dad has a special name for it. He calls it the "Goodwill Boutique." So, off we went to the "Goodwill Boutique."
We sat down and went through stacks of children's books. We found a brand new "Love you Forever" book that Lily has wanted for quite some time. We found some treasure! Our last stop was to try on my jeans in the fitting room. As we were all squished in the dressing room like sardines I reminded the girls of the incredible miracle that I got to be a part of earlier that morning. They were smiling and just taking in the wonder of it all when Reagan got that look.
"Don't you get something, Mommy?"
I laughed and said, "No. *Sammy gets something. He gets to go to heaven forever."
And my sweet precious girl says, "I know! You get a finder's fee from God! It's like He was giving you a hint last week when your boss gave you that finder's fee in your paycheck!"
We laughed so hard!
It may not sound high class or upscale. It may not even sound plausible to some. But I promise, it doesn't get any better than trying on designer jeans for 80% of the price, being with your gals, celebrating a new life in Christ and having a 10 year old wrap it up using timing like a seasoned comedic veteran! I mean, who but God could weave all those details together?
I love my God.
Friday, January 16, 2009
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