Sunday, February 15, 2009

#5 In a Series of 5

I know it has taken me a little while to get this #5 birth story out. We have had a busy couple of weeks. Meghan turned 13 on the 4th of February, Mattie got out of the house to chase a squirrel and we haven't seen her since : (, not to mention, school, work and chores! So, today, I am making it a priority and will give you the birth story for my sweet Lily Bay.

This story will be a complete opposite of the first born...

The way I found out I had a little "bun in the oven" was in the Target family bathroom. I bought a home pregnancy test and just could not wait. I called Walt using the pay phone by the Target cafe to tell him the good news.

I was a little hesitant to tell anyone else, even the kids. I guess, word is, it got around the house through the grapevine and pretty soon, as I was dropping off at school, other moms started asking. Reagan recalls that she heard from Meghan, who heard from Jeb, who was probably eavesdropping. I delayed telling my parents for 4 months. One friend's reaction was complete and utter disbelief and no return phone call for 24 hours.

I will explain my reluctance for all who may not be aware.

We had just moved to Rhode Island. A very cold and northern state that has no stores to monogram your initials on anything, no sweet tea served in restaurants, not a hint of a palm tree around, no sand at the beach, and just very different than the southern climate I was accustomed to.

We had lived in a hotel for the first 6 weeks of arriving in this tiny little state. At the time, I had an 8 year old, 6 year old, 4 year old and a 14 month old! Yes! One morning I went down to the lobby to grab a quick something, I came into the hotel room to find the 2 oldest "bungee jumping" from the headboard of the queen sized bed. They had taken the harness I used for Sarah, to keep her "contained" while out and about, as a type of bungee rope and attached it to the center piece on the Victorian headboard. They were then harnessing themselves and jumping off the bed. No kidding! Of course, 3 guesses as to who the master mind was in this contraption.

Sarah, my sweet 14 month old would climb like a monkey up the bars of her porta-crib and fling herself over the edge to get out! This very scheduled baby was not getting her naps and this was only adding to everyone's stress.

The real estate market was booming. Houses would get put on the market, and be sold in an hour above the asking price! We had no idea what area to live in, where the best schools were, and a very not so kid friendly real estate agent. We even had a house we wanted, put a contract on it and lost it over the weekend due to the not so honest real estate frenzy.

We would drive around all day looking at houses. I would get lost, the kids would be tired of driving and there was always someone hungry! In the 6 weeks we looked for a house, these are some of the strange but funny events:
* Meghan (age 6) got her shoes stuck in tar in one of the driveways of one of the houses we were looking at.
* I fell down a set of stairs while holding Sarah (14 months old), all the while remaining upright and not dropping her!
* We went into a house where the bathroom had white shag carpet with a matching toilet seat cover; a shiny, silver metallic wallpaper; a bedroom with wallpaper that matched the bedspread and a semi-circle bed that totally blended in! We were back in 1970 something!
* The realtor broke my power window switch, just weird!
* Sarah always wanted to nurse at the most inopportune times, like when the seller was answering the door, or we were driving and no place to stop, all while running late to
meet the realtor.
* I know the kids broke something at 50% of the houses…usually nothing beyond repair…just very embarrassing.

I was overwhelmed and not really in the perfect, “let’s have another baby” type situation. I never had any doubts myself, nor did Walt. Of course, I would be the one to suffer the morning sickness, enduring it for 9 months, and take care of this new little life…


I could see why family and friends might not see it as a practical thing to do.

I was also very homesick, struggling in my marriage, having difficulty adjusting to the kids being in public school, hating the weather, and just not really having the best circumstances. It was like the climate we were living in. It was grey, cold and very little sunshine.
I could relate a lot more information, but let’s just say that Lily’s pregnancy was not exactly the ideal situation.

Now, back to the blessed event: the birth!

I was in Florida, living in a 2 bedroom apartment and Walt was still in Rhode Island.
(that in itself is a whole other story)
I was working out and working on Saturdays at the YMCA. I was one fit and in shape pregnant woman. All my other babies had come early and I was sure Lily would, too. She was not cooperating with my plan. I begged the doctor to induce at every exam. I just knew delivery was around the corner.

Memorial Day weekend came and me and a friend traded kids. She took Reagan and I took Clark and Preston for the weekend. All I needed to get through was the weekend. Dr. LeMay had checked me on Friday and said it would be any day now. If I had not gone into labor by Tuesday, we would do an induction and I would meet her at the hospital at 6am. So, by Tuesday, a baby would ensue!

Needless to say, I made it through the whole weekend! I just had contractions all weekend, off and on, with a bag ready to go. Waiting and waiting.

Tuesday morning arrived and Jennifer picked me up. My mom had come to stay with the kids and I had gotten ready with a cute outfit, styled hair and make-up. I was tan from weekends at the beach and I was fit as a fiddle. I had my bags packed with all the necessities, I had even remembered the video camera and the 35mm camera.

All my preparation would need a little tweaking. It turns out, being in such good shape was a hindrance with the epidural. They had to try 3 times because my spinal cord was so strong and muscular, go figure?! My camera situation; no video tape for the video camera, and no batteries for the 35 mm! The only reason we had the film in print was thanks to Jennifer’s disposable in her purse. It was a leftover from her son’s beach birthday party the week prior. He was 14 and we had given him a big 8th grade, everyone at the beach, last day of school, right of passage kind of celebration. Jennifer had bought 15 or so disposable cameras and had 1 left in her purse!

Johnny, Jennifer’s 14 year old, and Lily would share in the same birth date. June 1st.

Walt had scheduled a flight for Wednesday, June 2nd, to get into town. My mom was with the children, and my dad was 3 hours away. So, it was just me, Jennifer and Dr. LeMay. She broke my water at 7:30 am. We then had a slight complication where the meconium was in the amniotic fluid and then it became a fast paced delivery. I was now very glad we induced labor and ready to deliver Lily.

Lily was delivered without any more complications before lunch. CMT was on the TV and Jennifer was by my side. Not your typical Hallmark delivery, more like a Lifetime movie. But that’s the story. She is here, and she was healthy, beautiful and baby #5 after 4 years of infertility! Hallmark movie or not, a miracle none the less!

I knew Lily was special. I knew God brought her to me for a reason. There is something about my Lily Bay. She weighed in at 7 pounds, 11 ounces but my love for her can not be measured in pounds or ounces. I am guessing that God’s love for me can not be measured in pounds or ounce, either. For Him to trust me with five precious gifts, named Jeb, Meghan, Reagan, Sarah and Lily, that has to be immeasurable and grandiose love! Unexplained and undeserved love like no other.

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