Sunday, January 25, 2009

#2 in a series of 5

This is my birth story about baby #2. We call her Meghan, Lego My Mego, Meggie and having 3 younger siblings, Megit has also been used a few times. As I write this she is turning 13 in 10 days! WOW! My sweet little Mego.

There was really nothing remarkable about Meghan's pregnancy. As usual, I threw up from the time of conception to the time of delivery. She was my first pregnancy that required home health care. We had a mini hospital set up in the master suite. By the end of the pregnancy I new more about IV pumps, stands, heparin locks and ketone strips than I ever wanted or needed to know!

The worst day of the pregnancy was probably when I passed out after they gave me a shot of lidocaine to help with the pain from the port they were getting ready to put in my upper arm. I was pretty nervous about having a plastic tube inserted in my arm, so I opted for numbing "stuff." AKA: Lidocaine. Well, turns out I had a little allergy to it and my heart rate shot up and I passed out! Of course, it was all from the comfort of my own easy chair at home. I was even in my p.j.'s! The nurse reacted rather promptly and I lived to tell the story!

It was definately a privelaged pregnancy in every other way. I spent a week in Vero at the beach, IV stand and all. She was delivered at the very fancy Boca Raton Memorial Hospital. The room was like a hotel. In fact, in the movie "Marley and Me," they show Jennifer Anniston coming out of that very hospital. Meghan thought that was pretty cool.

The best thing about the fancy smancy hospital was my meal after delivering the baby. Gourmet fried chicken with a honey glaze. I don't know how they made it but it was the best fried chicken I have ever tasted in my life! Sorry, Granny, even better than yours!

I had 2 false "episodes" with Meghan. You think I would have had more sense about real labor pains having gone through it once before. But...I didn't. We made the trek up to the hospital twice before the actual event happened.

Once it happened it was while Walt was getting in from the midnight shift, of course! The labor was only 12 hours with Meghan but intense back pain. I almost made it without the epidural. Almost. She was quite stubborn, a face presentation delivery. This meant that after intense pushing, because of her head position, she would go back up the birth canal. Very frustrating and exhausting. When my doctor, Helen Salsbury, got up on a stool and pushed her whole body weight on my stomach, it was then I said, "Enough. This child has to come out!"

Meghan's birth had interrupted my dad's golf game, but he had finally arrived. It was a rather blistery day in Florida for February. My dad wasn't in shorts! The new grand baby was a girl. 10 perfect toes, 10 perfect fingers, 10 on the APGAR's.

We named Meghan after Meg Ryan and had all intentions of calling her just "Meg." It never stuck, though. I guess alot didn't stick because my mom called all our family in Virginia with a different name! It was quite funny when my Grandmother and cousins called to say congratulations on "Mallory. " I might also add that "Meg" was Meghan's 2nd name choice because our first name, "Madison" was already given to another baby in the nursery! Confused? So was my mom!

Funny stuff looking back now. Especially now, 10 days from birthday #13! The Lord has blessed us with Megahn. She was 7 pounds and 4 ounces. She cried alot and was very colicky. She was so blonde that she looked bald. She was miracle #2! Thank You Jesus...again!

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